Student Feedback - Michael G Murphy

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Michael G. Murphy, PhD, RN, RGN
Never Stop Learning
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Student Feedback

His lesson was very helpful. He went out of his way to make me understand the subject and the solution myself. Really a great tutor.
Amazing instructor.  Helped me try to understand the content of study using examples. He has taken the time to really teach the subject.
Michael is very knowledgeable and has great educating skills. Very helpful!
I am very impressed with his availability which I have not had my entire web based experience. Mr Murphy is
very fair and consistent with his rules and grading. He is one of my best professors both web or traditional.

Great instructor. Quick to answer any questions.

Mr. Murphy has put together an excellent web course. He has provided PPTs and lectures to support the reading material. His tests reflect the assignments appropriately and the discussion boards are a good commentary on the issues studied in each unit. I appreciate his responsiveness to questions and concerns as well as his prompt grading of tests and assignments.

Mr. Murphy is an excellent instructor. He always got back to students in a timely manner. I appreciate the lectures and power point slides he made available online. The only suggestion I have is regarding the paper. Please try to include positive feedback as well as constructive criticism. I received a B on my paper. While I learned from the feedback, it would have been nice to hear something positive about my paper. Thanks for a great semester!

Mr Murphy is very knowledgeable and he organizes the materials for us well. At the same time, he answers emails very quickly. :) He does make this online course live. He did a great job in teaching this course, even though it is an online course. I enjoyed this course VERY MUCH.

Professor Murphy is a very knowledgable, conscise, and amazing teacher. I would recommend him to anyone. His challenging assignments, but he made them enjoyable.

I really enjoyed the class. This was my first online class and once I understood how to use my resources the class was rather enjoyable.

Instructor was always attentive to class. Would recommend this instructor to others!

Michael Murphy made himself available and promptly answered e-mails.

His Socratic method is intimidating at first, but I enjoyed it. It made me think critically and see the whole picture when dealing with the patient. Mr. Murphy is very smart but could stand for some "tweaking" in how he comes across to others.

Overall an excellent teacher. I enjoyed his teaching style which challenged me to think critically and to see the big picture of every situation. I had a more fulfilling clinical experience this semester than I did for Fundamentals. I believe he helped me tremendously with perfecting my care plans and SOAPIEs.

I learned quite a bit from this course and it was an overall positive experience for me. Mr. Murphy is very knowledgeable about the subjects that came up. He was very generous with sharing his personal experiences in ICU's and also his clinical knowledge. I personally enjoyed our group lunch where we could discuss in an
informal way what we were seeing in clinic and the treatment that patients were receiving, the rationale behind various treatments.

Expectations and deadlines were clearly communicated.

I wanted to say "thank you" for a great semester. Not only did I enjoy  this course, but I learned a great deal regarding nursing and the  nursing profession as it relates to legal and ethical issues.

I  also wanted to say "thank you" for all of your help and prompt responses along the way. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Even though I was scared of what question he could possibly ask me next I loved Mr. Murphy as my clinical instructor. He is beyond knowledgeable in his field and does a wonderful job at  conveying the information to us students. He paints the entire picture  for us which was scary at times but I believed helped me out a lot. I
noticed how one thing can effect the entire system of the body! He was one of the best teachers I have had...

I am really glad I had the opportunity to take this course with Mr. Murphy. He really does this course justice!

This course was exceptionally well organized. The concept maps helped me see the big picture. The lecture that accompanied the concept map was  useful for calling attention to the topics in the text that were most  important. After listening to the lectures, the text made way more sense to me. Requiring us to do the annotated bibliography prior to  writing the scholarly paper helped me get started organizing my research articles. Writing the paper with a clinical focus allowed me to learn  something about the practice of nursing.

Mr. Murphy always responded to questions or concerns by email in a timely manner. Generally, he was very helpful. The one thing I felt could have been improved, was sometimes he would respond to questions by saying look up the answer in your book on page xx, which was not always helpful. I only email professors for
clarification after exhausting other resources and still needing clarification.

I took your Nursing Theory class last spring. Having taken more classes at USF, I feel the need to thank you for several things:

1. Actually teaching the material and being responsive to emails.
2. Holding me accountable by administering exams.
3. Requiring multiple papers, in a logical sequence, and then actually  grading them yourself with comments necessary for improvement.

If and when I ever graduate with my MSN-education, you will be one of the few I will emulate.

Thank you for your great instruction.
Michael G Murphy, PhD, RN, RGN All Rights Reserved 2015-2024
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